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Dec 12, 2014 24 Best Android Development Tutorials and Resource for This is a series of Android development video tutorials. It covers a lot of ground - from the basic introduction and installation of the Java JDK to installing Android studio and developing an app. You can learn everything you want to know about Android development from these 56 videos. 9 Best Free Android Studio Tutorials for Beginners

Android Tutorials. 1,466 views; 4 years ago; 5:09. Testing Out Streaming Live on Facebook on Nexus 5x SmartPhone - 2016 - Duration: 5 minutes, 9 seconds. Android Tutorials. 512 views;

The Android platform provides libraries you can use to stream media files, such as remote videos, presenting them for playback in your apps. In this tutorial, we will stream a video file, displaying it using the VideoView component together with a MediaController object to let the user control playback.. We will also briefly run through the process of presenting the video using the MediaPlayer 16 Best + Free Android Courses & Certification [2020] The Complete Android N / Oreo Developer Course (Udemy) 62,000+ students have attended this …

Learning Android Development? Check out these best online Android Development courses and tutorials recommended by the programming community. Pick the tutorial as per your learning style: video tutorials or a book. Free course or paid. Tutorials for beginners or advanced learners. Check Android Development community's reviews & comments.

# android # tutorials # softwarelearning **Disclaimer: This is just a training video for candidates and recruiters. The name, logo and properties mentioned in the video are proprietary property of the respective organizations. The Preparation tips and tricks are an indicative generalized information. Android provides many ways to control playback of audio/video files and streams. One of this way is through a class called MediaPlayer. Android is providing MediaPlayer class to access built-in mediaplayer services like playing audio,video e.t.c. In order to use MediaPlayer, we have to call a static Method create() of this class. This method