A chakra (pronounced “cha”-“kra” with a resounding “ch”) is a center of energy. Originating from Sanskrit, it literally means “wheel” by association with its function as a vortex of spinning energy interacting with various physiological and neurological systems in the body.

2011-7-1 · Chakra是用户友好的、强大的发行及自启动运行光盘,它基于Arch Linux。其特性包括一份图形化的安装程序、自动硬件检测和配置、最新的KDE桌面,以及各种各样的工具和附件。 Chakra是一个Linux发行版,它结合了简单的Arch Linux的KDE。它 chakra linux源 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云 Chakra组合是韩国演员李惠英、音乐制作人李尚民于2000年共同打造而成的女子团体,由成员皇甫惠静,郑丽媛,李恩,李妮组成。后队长李妮于2002年退出,宝娜加入组合。皇甫惠静接替为队长。组合以异国风格的曲风以及独特的编舞,在当时掀起一阵潮流,更几乎获得了当年一切的新人奖,成为韩国 Chakra GNU/Linux 2015.03 发布 - OSCHINA

2019-9-24 · Chakra GNU/Linux,是 Chakra 专案发行的半滚动发行版,专注于 KDE 软体。Chakra GNU/Linux 分支自 ArchLinux,目标是提供高质量的 Live DVD,和一个基于 KDE/Qt 和 KISS 原则的桌面操作系统。 目录 1 设计及原则 2 历史 3 特色

Chakra linux_百度百科 2011-8-29 · Chakra linux是一个正在开发中的 Linux Live CD 项目,它基于 Archlinux 和 KDEmod,既可以直接通过光盘运行,也可以安装到硬盘上。在美工设计上,Chakra 的安装界面与 KDE 4 结合紧密,看起 … DistroWatch.com: Chakra GNU/Linux Chakra GNU/Linux is a user-friendly and powerful distribution and live CD originally forked from Arch Linux. It features a graphical installer, automatic hardware detection and configuration, the latest KDE desktop, and a variety of tools and extras.

The Chakra project started off as a derivative of Arch Linux. It was a modular KDE Live CD with some extra tool sets to make setting up and using Arch Linux less of a hassle. Notice the careful usage of the word was in my last sentence.

The Chakra® operating system is a community-developed GNU/Linux distribution with a focus on KDE and Qt software, utilizing a unique half-rolling release model that allows users to enjoy the latest versions of the Plasma desktop and their favorite applications on top of a … Chakra linux_百度百科 2011-8-29 · Chakra linux是一个正在开发中的 Linux Live CD 项目,它基于 Archlinux 和 KDEmod,既可以直接通过光盘运行,也可以安装到硬盘上。在美工设计上,Chakra 的安装界面与 KDE 4 结合紧密,看起 … DistroWatch.com: Chakra GNU/Linux Chakra GNU/Linux is a user-friendly and powerful distribution and live CD originally forked from Arch Linux. It features a graphical installer, automatic hardware detection and configuration, the latest KDE desktop, and a variety of tools and extras. Chakra Linux 安装指南(二):Chakra Linux 安 … 2013-3-16 · Chakra Linux 安装指南(二):Chakra Linux 安装Posted on 2012/03/05, 22:37, by Terry Chen, under Linux, 操作系统, 软件教程.现在我们已经对 Chakra Linux 有了一定的了解,可以开始动手折腾了。再次提醒大家,本文所有的安装步骤均基于 2012 年